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About AVPStoke

AVP Stoke has been working hard to deliver for Stoke on Trent since 2020.


For the past few years, we have been operating under the We are Stoke name.  However, we now believe this is the right time to branch out and register as an official charity. 

We can only take this positive step over these next few months and years because of your help so far, it shows that the people of Stoke on Trent are a close knit community who want to help those in need, and because of this, we want to create a charity which shows our charitable side and puts our city on the map for all the right reasons. 

It's going to take time, and it's going to be a journey - one of lifelong commitment from my perspective, but it's one that I am 100% committed to, and I and my team, look forward to sharing this journey with you. 

Best wishes, 


CEO, AVP Stoke

Our Goals

Collect donations of money or items through our registered drop off points.

Distribute all donations equally between our charity beneficiaries.

Help more families in our local community, become happier and healthier

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